Friday 1 October 2010

Radio Jingles

Notes on Jingles

The BBC radio 1 Chris Moyles show target audience is people on there way to work in the morning or getting ready, so they can listen to something in the morning. It may wake them up or make them smile at that time. The music is very chipper, in the background on this jingle, but in the background of the music there is a beat, with someone singing over the top about the show. At the began there is a FX effect to start of the jingle. This jingle gives information on the time and that’s the shows on in the morning, says its broadcasting to Britain, national radio are – explains type of people listening.

BBC radio Suffolk target audience is anyone finishing work or school and is on there way home at 4pm who listens regularly to the station. This is because these people would already listen to the station and know what’s on or it tells you the presenter so people would know who’s going to presenter if they are flicking through channels. No special effects to sound, normal simple background tune song about station and normal voice for presenter.

Script for show promo

"Come listen to the latest hits."

"Find out who's number one or who's dropped to the bottom."

"On SNC live chart show on saturday at noon with Lottie Lenton."

show promo

5 seconds
hand cleaning room

For radio jingles we first had to learn the basics on how to use logic pro editing software. After learning the basics we then had to get a voice recorder to record a station indent, which was a 5 second activity to get use to how use edit music or pieces of recording to make them into something that sounds like it fits together and was meant to be record that way. I didn’t complete this project because I took to long recording the voice and then that didn’t give me a time to edit the piece to make it sound how I wanted it to sound.  However, because it was only 5 second long most of the sound is talking, so I couldn’t do much to it and I didn’t know a lot of the editing software yet so didn’t know how to change it too much.

We then had done some research on different jingles from radio shows, which are played live. With questions with had to answer, we listened to the jingle and the thought about the jingle and had to use the knowledge that we had learnt with using the logic pro to say what they jingle has init.

My hand cleaning room advert was the next project that we done. For this project I went onto Youtbe and downloaded a song to go behind the voice recording explaining the product that I had made up. In this product we had certain things we had to say which all had to fit in a 20 second advert. I thought my final piece on this project didn’t come out how I would of like, in that the music didn’t really go with the advert. If I redone this project I would change the music and make more voice recording to put in.

The show promo I did for my last project on the radio jingles came out really well, in that I tuned the music and cut out the best parts to make a promo with. I had made it a chart show so I showed a little bit of parts from music and had mixes in-between to give it a more interesting effect. After everything I learnt my final piece was my best and I am happy with it.